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The Four R's: Retreat, Relax, Renew and Remember
Invite Chris Klesh to speak to your group or organization.

The Four R’s sure sound great, don't they? Why does it have to be such a luxury (aka bank breaking) to take a relaxing or an action packed vacation? Well, look no more. Coach Chris has the insider “money saving” travel tips that will save you thousands on your next vacation. His programs are an hour in length, highly interactive, entertaining and content rich. His program is beneficial to any conference agenda, great addition to your partner’s program, a client appreciation event speaker, vacation clubs, golf, ski and active adult communities and many more. His session alone will prove to be the highlight of your event.

Key Take-Aways of Coach Chris’ programs:

Your audience will:

  • Learn money saving tips that are unbeknownst even to the savviest of travelers
  • Realize travel dreams are not far fetched
  • Begin planning luxurious vacations immediately

So Why Coach Chris?

Coach Chris has:

  • Coached thousands of clients on traveling for 10 cents on the dollar
  • Ten years’ experience in luxurious travel making it affordable for families of all budgets
  • INFORMATION that you will NOT get from any other travel expert
  • A practical system in which hundreds of clients utilize his insider tips and tricks to save thousands of dollars

Your Dream Vacation is calling you! Coach Chris will show you how to get there without breaking your budget!

Call 866-626-8100 to check availability and fee schedule for Coach Chris’ keynote programs!

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